You Matter. You Belong Here.

What's Happening at St. C's This Week?


This Sunday at St. Christopher's
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A Word from Fr. Chris | Lessons for Sunday | Dan D. Rogers School SuppliesSundays for Children | Help Us Build St. Chris | Wednesday Bible StudyMorning PrayerComing up this Week | At the AbbeyStewardship 
Find Your People, Drew Holcomb & the Neighbors
A Word from Fr. Chris

Dear St. Christopher’s Family, 

There are a lot of things that make St. Christopher's an outstanding place. Our members make up a lot of that. But one thing that makes us stand out, even as small as we are, is the fact that we're growing! I don't know whether you can sense it, but as I look out on any given Sunday, it is clear to me that there are a lot fewer gaps between people in the pews. 

The struggle a lot of churches have, though, is helping people make the transition from being a visitor and a guest to calling themselves a "member" of the church. Now of course, in Jesus there is nobody who doesn't belong. But I think you'll agree that it feels different being a guest in someone else's house vs. being in your own, right? 

Starting this Sunday, during Coffee Hour, I'm going to be leading some discussions about who we really are as a church and what it means to say you're one of us. We'll have several of these throughout the fall, leading up to December 8, when Bishop Sumner will be here to baptize and confirm some of us, which is how we incorporate ourselves fully into this great community.

If you've already been confirmed, you'll also have the opportunity on that day to receive a special blessing from the bishop as you reaffirm your faith with everyone who will be professing for the first time. Of course, if you would like to find out more, I hope you'll let me know so we can spend some time together about what that entails. Each of you reading this contribute something special to St. Christopher's, and as members of one household, we can build something truly extraordinary.

This Sunday's Lessons
Fr. Chris+
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Thanks to all!
This Monday, Nancy Killough, Vivian Nnamah, and Fr. Chris delivered our school supplies to Dan D. Rogers elementary. We're grateful to all who donated and also that we have such a great neighborhood school!
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for Children at St. Christopher's
Join our younger friends this Sunday for a fun craft and activity about Jesus and caring for our needs!
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September 15-22
10am       Eucharist
11:30        Coffee Hour and Presentation: What makes us Episcopalian?
9am          Morning Prayer
10:30        Toddler and Pre-Primary Chapel
10:30        Study Group-Conference Room
6:30          Choir Practice 
10:30         Primary Chapel
10am        Eucharist
11:30        Coffee Hour-Creeds: What are they and why do we need them?

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Fall Bible Study
Know the Heretics!

Each week covers a key statement of faith and includes a discussion of its historical context; a simple explanation of the unorthodox teaching, the orthodox response and a key defender; reflections of contemporary relevance; and discussion questions. No preparation for class is required, but you can order the companion book here.

This week we discuss the Gnostics, a diverse collection of heresies that attempted to merge Greek (specifically Neo-Platonic) philosophy with the relatively new Christian faith, which they viewed as a new mythology. Find out more here.

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Morning Prayer 
It's just as important as coffee. Start your day off with us at 9am Monday through Thursday. All are welcome.
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At the Abbey

Pickleball Friendraiser Tournament - Friday, September 13th, 2024 - 6 PM - 9 PM - Dallas Indoor Pickleball (DIP) in Farmer’s Branch 

Contemplative Prayer Practices - Thursdays - 7-8:30 PM - IN PERSON - Begins September 12th - October 3rd REGISTER

Stewardship for 2024: 

Please be our partner in ministry at St. Christopher's in 2024. You can make your pledge to our annual fund using the link below, or fill out one of the pledge cards in the church. Thank you. 
Pledge Drive 2024
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